Objectives and outcomes
Mana Whenua cultural values are respected, celebrated, and protected.
Outcomes of this objective through the Resource Management Plan (RMP).
1.1 Ngāti Te Rangiita ki Waitetoko is partnered with to ensure cultural values are reflected, celebrated, and protected within the reserve and its ongoing management.
1.2 Sites of cultural significance are protected and managed appropriately in partnership with Ngāti Te Rangiita ki Waitetoko.
1.3 An increase in reserve users’ awareness and understanding of Ngāti Te Rangiita ki Waitetoko cultural and historical values and relationship with Motutere Reserve.
Further information and a set of actions for these outcomes is laid out from page 8 of the Draft RMP.
The reserves unique natural environment values are restored and protected.
Outcomes of this objective through the Resource Management Plan.
2.1 A healthy natural environment with on-going protection and enhancement of indigenous vegetation.
2.2 Lakeshore reserves natural character is protected and restored to a high level of natural character and lined with abundant kowhai trees.
2.3 On-going management of soil erosion associated with reserve use.
2.4 An increase in reserve users’ understanding, awareness and involvement of managing natural environment values.
Further information and a set of actions for these outcomes is laid out from page 10 of the Draft RMP.
Public access and associated safety is maintained and enhanced.
Outcomes of this objective through the Resource Management Plan (RMP).
3.1 Pedestrian public access is provided to the lakeshore reserves.
3.2 Public vehicle access and parking is provided for lakeshore reserves in accordance with the Reserve Management Concept Plan.
3.3 Vehicle and boat trailer parking for campers continues to be provided at the campground as part of the lease.
3.4 Safety risks associated with public access to the lakeshore reserves; particularly State Highway 1 crossings are appropriately managed.
Further information and a set of actions for these outcomes is laid out from page 12 of the Draft RMP.
A reserve that provides for the recreation values and meets a range of needs and enjoyment for all reserve users.
Outcomes of this objective through the Resource Management Plan (RMP).
4.1 A reserve that balances the diverse recreation needs of all users.
4.2 Formal camping is provided for at Motutere Recreation Reserve through a campground lease, with freedom camping not permitted.
4.3 Motutere Bay lakeshore reserve west of the boat ramp will transition to public day use area, and the campground lease area east of the boat ramp will be used for tenting only.
4.4 Recreation facilities are consolidated, and levels of service are appropriate to the values of the reserve.
4.5 Responsible management of dogs within the reserve by their owners.
Further information and a set of actions for these outcomes is laid out from page 14 of the Draft RMP.
Built structures are sensitively designed to integrate with the natural environment values of the reserve.
Outcomes of this objective through the Resource Management Plan (RMP).
5.1 Built structures and infrastructure are designed to complement and respect the natural environment values of the reserve.
5.2 The Foreshore Protection Area is free of built structures that do not have a functional requirement for that location.
5.3 The level of built development in the reserve is consistent with the recreation use zones in the Reserve Management Concept Plan.
5.4 Council water and wastewater infrastructure operations are consolidated allowing for reclassification to Local Purpose reserve if needed.
Further information and a set of actions for these outcomes is laid out from page 16 of the Draft RMP.
Leases and licences are provided for where they support Motutere’s recreation values.
Outcomes of this objective through the Resource Management Plan (RMP).
6.1 Leases and licences are appropriate for and give effect to the purpose of a recreation reserve.
6.2 New campground leases are aligned with the objectives of this management plan.
6.3 Proposed campground areas are developed in accordance with outlined conditions.
6.4 A staged approach is allowed for changes and timing in new campground leases.
Further information and a set of actions for these outcomes is laid out from page 18 of the Draft RMP.