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The District Plan provides a framework for how development may occur in the Taupō District, and where certain land uses should be located. It is an evolving document and is reviewed regularly to ensure it meets the needs and priorities of the district, and provides for the community’s social, economic, and cultural wellbeing.
The District Plan is currently being reformatted to ensure it is consistent with direction set in the National Planning Standards (NPS). Simultaneously, Council is progressing a sectional Plan review comprising a bundle of four plan changes – Plan Changes 44-47.
We are seeking feedback from the community regarding the draft zone provisions, to make sure we’re heading in the right direction. We are now at the first stage of public engagement with the community, and feedback received will be used to help shape the final drafts for public consultation under Schedule 1 of the RMA, in 2025.
All submissions will be made available to the public via the Council website.
Plan Change 44 affects the Residential Environments, which are proposed to be replaced with one of the following three zones listed in the National Planning Standards:
The Plan Change would primarily allow for greater intensification of existing residential areas, loosening some bulk and location controls and providing for Comprehensive Housing Developments in the Medium Density and General Residential Zones.
A Comprehensive Housing Development means “four or more residential units, designed and planned in an integrated manner, where all required resource and subdivision consents are submitted together, along with plans of the proposed development. The land on which the proposed residential units are to be sited must form a separate, contiguous area.”
When looking at the new residential zone provisions, you may notice some parts of the operative residential chapters are missing. The good news is they haven’t really disappeared, but have just been moved to a different chapter under the new National Planning Standards format. This is a template that the Government requires us to move our plan into. If these sections have been moved it means they are not part of the Residential Zone Plan Review, and therefore remain unchanged.
Here’s a summary of the parts of the operative residential chapter that are not being reviewed through PC44, and which section of the District Plan they will be moved to:
Operative District Plan Provisions – Residential Environment Chapter | National Planning Standards Version |
Kinloch Development Controls and Performance Standards and Structure Plan Rules | Part 4 – Area-Specific Matters → Development Areas → Kinloch Development Area |
Nukuhau Development Controls and Performance Standards and Structure Plan rules | Part 4 – Area-Specific Matters → Development Areas → Nukuhau Development Area |
Lake Ohakuri Development Zone Rules | Part 4 – Area-Specific Matters → Development Areas → Lake Ohakuri Development Area |
Pukawa C Development Zone rules | Part 4 – Area-Specific Matters → Development Areas → Pukawa C Development Area |
Whareroa North Rules | Part 4 – Area-Specific Matters → Development Areas → Whareroa North Development Area |
New Residential Rules | Part 3 – Domains and Topics → Subdivision |
Subdivision Rules | Part 3 – Domains and Topics → Subdivision |
Signage, Earthworks, Noise, Light, Odour and Temporary Activities Policies and Rules | Part 3 – Domains and Topics → General Matters |
Parking loading and Access, and Stormwater Policies and Rules | Part 3 – Domains and Topics → Energy, Infrastructure and Transport |
Plan Change 45 affects the ‘Shops’ Overlay currently located in the Residential Environment. It is proposed to move the Shops layer into its own Zone, in accordance with the National Planning Standards.
Plan Change 46 affects Council-owned open spaces and reserves currently managed in the Residential Environment, and shown on the Planning Maps – select ‘TDC Reserve’ under ‘Other Plan Layers’ in ‘Map Tools’, in the right-hand column of the Map web browser.
Council-owned open spaces and reserves are proposed to be categorised in one of the following three zones:
Māori-owned reserves and open spaces will retain their current zoning unless iwi choose to include their reserves in PC 46. Council will continue to work closely with our iwi partners to facilitate this option.
The intent of the new Māori Purpose Zone (MPZ) is to recognise and provide for the relationship of Māori with their culture and traditions.
MPZ is a proposed new District Plan zone that supports the use and development of Māori land in alignment with the cultural, social, and economic needs of its owners. MPZ recognise the unique relationship Māori have with their ancestral lands and aims to empower landowners to develop their whenua in a way that reflects kaupapa Māori and tikanga.
MPZ better enable activities such as:
For the past 18 months, Taupō District Council has been talking to Iwi, hapu and Māori landowners about MPZ. We have sought feedback on the type of activities that should occur in this zone and have asked what landowners would like their lands zoned as a MPZ in the upcoming plan change.
We have now drafted the MPZ Plan Change (Plan Change 47) and are seeking feedback on it. We're also keen to hear from those who are interested in having their land zoned as MPZ.
If you have feedback or would like further information on MPZ please email rowan@roamconsulting.co.nz or districtplan@taupo.govt.nz.
Plan Change 47 - Māori Purpose Zone is open for feedback until 4.30pm Friday 2 May 2025.