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At a Council meeting held on 30 August 2022, the Tapuaeharuru Bay Lakeshore Reserve Management Plan was updated to include the option of lease renewal for the Hole in One activity. These amendments are outlined in the PDF document below, alongside the final updated Tapuaeharuru Bay Reserve Management Plan PDF.
Amendments at Council meeting 30 August 2022 (PDF, 62KB)
Tapuaeharuru Bay Reserve Management Plan updated and final version (PDF, 63MB)
A partial review of the Tapuaeharuru Bay Reserve Management Plan, relating to the Hole in One golf operation on the Taupō lakefront, has been completed by Taupō District Council Reserves and Roading committee. The committee today approved changes to the plan that will enable Taupō Moana Group Holdings (TMGH) to further develop its Lake Terrace operation.
Read the full media release
Updated strike through Hole in One amendments to Reserve Management Plan, following the hearing and deliberation (PDF, 149KB)
Taupō District Council has received an application from Taupō Moana Group Holdings Limited (TGMHL) to develop the Hole in One site they occupy on the Taupō lakefront and we want to hear your thoughts on their proposal.
TMGHL is the commercial subsidiary of the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board. They currently hold a licence over part of the Taupō Lakefront Reserve that lets them operate the Hole in One Golf activity. The site is located on Taupō Lakefront Reserve and we manage the area through guidelines in the Tapuaeharuru Bay Lakeshore Reserves Management Plan.
The application we have received involves further development than what is allowed under their current operating licence. For the development to go ahead, it would mean we first need to make a few changes to the Tapuaeharuru Bay Lakeshore Reserves Management Plan. Development of the site will also be subject to TMGHL being granted the required resource and building consents.
The consents will be subject to a separate public consultation process where the community will be able to have their say.
Taupō Lakefront Reserve - Hole in One site map
TMGHL’s application proposes to develop the lakefront area in two stages.
The scope and timing of development in Stage 2 would be influenced by the success of Stage 1.
TMGHL are proposing they would look to develop a multi-functional facility that includes all of the developments in Stage 1, and potentially:
Our current Tapuaeharuru Bay Lakeshore Reserves Management Plan allows the Hole in One business to operate at its current level of development. TMGHL have a license that runs until 2031 that allows them to operate the tee-off area on the reserve, have the advertising signage, fencing for public safety and the Hole In One bus to be parked close by.
The licence TMGHL hold under our Tapuaeharuru Bay Lakeshore Reserves Management Plan does not provide for a significant change in activities, the proposed scale of development, exclusive use of the site or the length of term required for the level of investment. To allow for the proposed development to proceed, the license would need to change to a lease (we’ve outlined the difference between a license and lease below). This would require a partial review of and variation to the current Tapuaeharuru Bay Lakeshore Reserves Management Plan. Following this, resource consent for the proposed development would also require approval.
To get an idea of the changes we may need to make to the Tapuaeharuru Bay Lakeshore Reserves Management Plan we’ve included a link to the current plan, a copy showing proposed amendments and TMGHL’s presentation to us in the supporting documents section below.
What is the difference between a lease and a licence?
The consultation process for the partial review of the Tapuaeharuru Bay Lakeshore Reserves Management Plan looks like this:
Step 1 | Preparation of draft amendments to the wording of the existing management plan and approval in principle by Council, subject to the outcomes of public consultation. This step has already been completed. |
Step 2 | Public notice that the draft is available for inspection and calling for submissions. Submissions closed on Monday 14 March 2022. |
Step 3 | Public hearings to allow people an opportunity to speak in support of their submission. These are scheduled for Tuesday 5 April 2022. |
Step 4 | A decision of Council as to the extent to which the management plan will (or will not) be amended to provide for the proposed development and lease. |
Submissions closed at 4.30pm on Monday 14 March 2022. Thank you for the submissions received.
What happens with my feedback
When you make a submission you will be given the option on whether you want to present your view to the Council in person. If you do, we will book a speaking time for you at the public meeting on Tuesday 5 April 2022.
You will be given up to 5 minutes to present your submission and answer any questions.
The hearing will take place in accordance with the current Covid traffic light/guidelines. If we are not able to hold an in-person hearing, we will proceed with a virtual hearing.
Council will consider all submissions, regardless of whether you want to speak in person or not. Following deliberations there will be a final decision made on the changes that will be made to the Tapuaeharuru Bay Lakeshore Reserves Management Plan (if any), and we will communicate the outcome to you.
Please note: all submissions will be made available to the public on the Council website in accordance with our Privacy Statement. For more information, you can visit www.taupodc.govt.nz/privacy-policy.
Hearings took place on Tuesday 5 April 2022 on Zoom.