What is the rates impact?
This year we are
considering an average rate increase of 8.6 per cent. This is well above the
3.74 percent forecast in the 2021–31 Long-term Plan, which was calculated when post-pandemic
challenges were unknown and inflation was tracking a lot lower.
Inflation is now
considerably higher, sitting at around 7 percent and two of our key rates
drivers, depreciation and interest, were alone contributing an average 7
percent to rates. This makes delivering the forecast rate increase impossible
without significantly altering Council services and functions.
The proposals will result in a total rates increase for the average value property of 8.6 percent or $305 a year (around $5.86 a week).
The overall impact on individual ratepayers will vary. You can check out the proposed rates for your property at www.taupo.govt.nz/ratessearch.