Supporting recreation and sports organisations
Council helping organisations
Council recognises that there are many fantastic recreation and sports organisations that provide amazing choices and opportunities that make Taupō district a great place to live. While these organisations will continue to rely on their members and users for their core funding, there are ways Council can help.
Provision of facilities
Council will provide the use of pools, sportsgrounds, and facilities at fair cost.
Provision of reserve land
Council will provide reserve land for sports and recreation clubs to lease at a fair cost where we are not making a profit.
Contestable grants
Council will provide a budget of contestable grants for recreation and sports clubs who support the wellbeing of the community.
Providing advice
Council will provide advice to support clubs to access third party funding and become more financially resilient.
Providing funding
Council will consider providing some funding for large capital investments by clubs where those investments benefit a wide section of the community or have wider community benefits.