Focusing on what’s important

Message from Mayor David Trewavas
We all want the best for our district.
We all want a safe, stable place to live, a healthy environment, a thriving economy and a community where people care about each other and feel connected and valued.
The work our people do helps support Council’s vision to be a district of connected communities who thrive and embrace opportunities.
In this consultation document, we’ve set out how we intend to continue building a district that gives people the opportunity to connect with each other and with this beautiful place, to care for our environment and which provides everyone with an opportunity to contribute.
Just like your household budget, ours is under pressure too. The effects of the prolonged period of inflation and subsequent interest rate rises, looking after community facilities and paying for things like insurance mean that the services our community relies on us for are costing more than ever. You’ll see we’ve had to make some hard calls on what to deliver in the next 10 years. We have thought carefully about the challenges we face and agreed we must prioritise our core services - providing safe drinking water, protecting our environment and looking after our infrastructure so our children and their children aren’t unnecessarily burdened in the future.
In this Long-term Plan consultation we’re asking for your help with some key decisions:
- Should we focus most of our effort and money on the essentials?
- How should we deal with Taupō’s wastewater on the northern side of the Waikato River, and wastewater in Tūrangi?
- Bag it or bin it? What’s the future of our kerbside rubbish and recycling collection?
- Should we use land we own to help ease the district’s housing crisis?
We want to hear your thoughts on the best course of action to take. I give you my commitment that your councillors and myself will listen closely and make decisions with the best interests of our district in mind.
Ngā mihi kia koutou katoa