Bag it or Bin it?
Advantages and disadvantages
✔️ The community is familiar with this service.
✔️ Simple weekly collection.
✔️ No increased bin storage needed.
✔️ Users can directly control their costs by managing the amount of waste they throw out.
✔️ Because it’s largely a user-pays service, households and businesses can choose the service that suits best from a range of different bags and bins provided by commercial operators.
✔️ Users can use as many bags or wheelie bins as required.
✔️ The current recycling process reduces contamination as materials that are not recyclable are left behind.
❌ Health and safety concerns from bags, including injuries from sharp items and repetitive lifting.
❌ Environmental concerns from animals damaging rubbish bags and recycling being blown about.
❌ Doesn’t encourage more recycling as there is no limit on the amount of rubbish put at the kerbside, leading to the landfill capacity being used up faster.
❌ Peak periods create large volumes of rubbish and recycling on the kerbside which creates collection issues and increases environmental issues.
Cost and debt impact
There is no debt impact for this option.
Rates impact
- From 2025 for residential: Estimated average cost per household per year of $340, consisting of $184 in rates and $156 for rubbish bags (based on one bag per week)
- From 2025 forTaupō and Tūrangi town centres and neighbourhood shops: Estimated average cost per business per year of $688, consisting of $376 in rates and $312 for rubbish bags (based on two bags per week)
- 2025: Current services continued
- to 2035: Contracted for 10-year period