How to vote
If you are enrolled to vote, your voting documents will be delivered to your mailbox between 16-21 September 2022.
Your voting pack will include a candidate profile book, personalised voting papers, freepost return envelope and instructions on how to complete your voting papers.
Once you have filled in your voting papers, put them in the freepost envelope and do one of the following:
- Post your voting papers back by Tuesday 4 October (see below for more info).
- Drop off your voting papers in any of our Big Orange Ballot Bins by Thursday 6 October (see locations and exact times below).
Posting your voting papers
You can post your voting papers at any NZ Post box using the freepost envelope provided.
Put your voting papers in the post by Tuesday 4 October to make sure it arrives in time to be counted.
On the NZ Post website, enter your address in the search field, click on search and then 'show all filters' and select 'post a letter' to show the location of NZ post boxes near you.

Drop off your voting papers at our Big Orange Ballot Bins
To make it easier than ever to return your vote, this election we have 15 Big Orange Ballot Bins (also known as BOBBs) located throughout the district.
Voting papers can be dropped off at the locations below until Thursday 6 October, unless stated otherwise.
- Taupō Customer and Visitor Information Centre, 30 Tongariro Street*
- Taupō Events Centre/ AC Baths, 26 AC Baths Avenue
- Dropzone at The Landing Lake Taupō, 650 Lake Terrace, Wharewaka (until 1 October only)
- Market Central Taupō, Northcroft Reserve (9am to 1pm on Sunday 18 September, Sunday 25 September, and Sunday 2 October only)
- Taupō Library, Story Place
- PAK'nSAVE Taupō, 105/131 Ruapehu Street
- Taupō Countdown, Corner Spa Road and Tongariro Street
- Mitre 10 MEGA Taupō, 99 Bella George Lane
- Tūrangi Customer and Visitor Information Centre, 1 Ngawaka Place, Tūrangi*
- New World Tūrangi, 19 Ohuanga Road, Tūrangi
- Omori Store, 94B Omori Road, Omori
- Kinloch General Store, 2 Mata Place
- Mangakino Customer Service Centre, Civic Centre, Rangatira Drive, Mangakino*
- Whakamaru Store, 117 Whakamaru Road, Whakamaru
- Wairakei Primary School, 2 Kauri Drive (school hours, 16-30 September only)
* You will still be able to cast a special vote or drop your voting papers off at these locations until 12 noon on Saturday, 8 October 2022.
Special voting
If you are not enrolled to vote or have moved address, you may need to apply for a special vote to take part in these elections. You can check your enrolment details at
You will need to cast a special vote if:
- You have not enrolled to vote, but you qualify as an elector.
- You do not receive your voting papers in the post, or you receive voting papers but they are damaged or spoiled.
- You are going to be overseas during the election period.
- You are on the unpublished roll.
You can cast your special vote at your nearest Taupō District Council customer service centre, or we can post it to you. Please phone 07 376 0899 or 0800 ASK TDC or email
The completed voting papers must be returned to the Electoral Officer in the envelope supplied.
Voting returns: daily and total vote counts
The voting returns report shows the total number of votes received (eligible voters) for the 2022 local elections, along with a breakdown of votes received for each ward. Daily and cumulative voting numbers are shown.
The report also compares the number of votes cast with the 2019 and 2016 local elections.
View the voting returns for the Taupō District
View the voting returns for other regions
Voting and wards
The Taupō District is made up of four general electoral wards (Taupō Ward, Mangakino/Pouakani Ward, Taupō East Rural Ward, Tūrangi/Tongariro Ward) and one district-wide Māori Ward (Te Papamārearea)*.
If you are on the general roll, where you live determines which ward you get to vote in and how many candidates you get to vote for, plus you get a vote for the Mayor. Anyone on the Māori electoral roll will have two votes for their preferred candidates for the Māori ward, plus a vote for the Mayor.
The Taupō District Council election will be for the Mayor and 12 councillors* as follows:
- Taupō General Ward (7 councillors)
- Mangakino/Pouakani General Ward (1 councillor)
- Taupō East Rural General Ward (1 councillor)
- Tūrangi/Tongariro General Ward (1 councillor)
- One district-wide Māori Ward – Te Papamārearea (2 councillors)
- Mayor elected at large
For information on how to enrol to vote or update your details, go to the Electoral Commission website.
* The makeup of voting areas (wards) and boundaries in the Taupō District was confirmed following a Local Government Commission review of our 2021 Representation Review, with a final decision released on 7 April 2022.
Find your ward
Use our interactive wards map below to check what electoral ward you are in by entering your address in the search box. You can also open a larger version of the map.