Kinloch Representative Group

Meeting dates 2025
The Kinloch Representative Group meet every two months. Up to 30 minutes will be set aside during each meeting for a public forum (see the section below for more information).
- Meeting location: Kinloch Community Hall on Mata Place in Kinloch.
- Agendas and minutes: You can view these on our agendas and minutes page.
Date | Time | Location |
Thursday 27 February | 5.30pm to 7pm | Kinloch Community Hall |
Thursday 1 May | 3pm to 4.30pm | Kinloch Community Hall |
Thursday 3 July | 3pm to 4.30pm | Kinloch Community Hall |
Thursday 4 September | 3pm to 4.30pm | Kinloch Community Hall |
Committee members
Membership of the Kinloch Representative Group is made up of three Councillors, three community representatives, one Māori representative and the Mayor.
- Cr Christine Rankin (Chairperson)
- Matt Andrews (Māori representative; Deputy Chairperson)
- Mayor David Trewavas
- Cr Duncan Campbell
- Cr Rachel Shepherd
- Tim Brittain (community representative)
- Pat Kane (community representative)
- Belinda Walker (community representative)
Public Forum
The public forum provides an opportunity for the Kinloch community to talk to members of the Representative Group on any upcoming agenda item or topic of interest concerning the Kinloch area.
Up to 30 minutes will be set aside during each meeting (see meeting dates and times above) for this forum. Each speaker or group may speak for five minutes (or longer at the discretion of the Chair).
Members of the public wishing to speak should email no later than 5pm two days prior to the meeting.
Notes, photographs or other documentation used during an address or presentation will be required for Council's records.
No debate or comment will be made by members of the representative group after your presentation, however, members may ask questions for clarification. It should be noted that as this is not a formal meeting, no formal decisions can be made. If a decision or recommendation is required, the matter will be referred to a future meeting for further consideration.
Criticisms of individual elected/representative members or individual staff members are not allowed.
The Chair may refuse applications which are repetitious or offensive and may stop a speaker in progress where the subject matter is disrespectful or offensive.
If you have any questions regarding our public forum, please email
Governance and Terms of Reference
The purpose of the Kinloch Representative Group is to represent and act as an advocate for the interests of the Kinloch community and provide feedback to Council.
The area includes Kinloch Village, eastward along Whangamata Road to the Poihipi Road junction, and west to Kawakawa Road.
Scope of activity
- Providing local input into the development of Council policy that will impact on the Kinloch area.
- Maintaining an overview of service delivery, operational and capital expenditure, within the Kinloch area.
- Providing local input into the development and review of Council’s key planning documents such as the Long-term Plan, Asset Management Plans, Structure Plans, Reserve Management Plans and the annual plan
- Preparing an annual submission to Council’s budgetary process for expenditure within the community
- Considering and reporting on all matters referred to it by Council or any matter of interest or concern to the area.
- Communicating with the Kinloch community, community organisations and special interest groups within the Kinloch area.
Power to act
The Kinloch Representative Group can carry out any function that:
- Supports Council’s Long-term Plan and/or policy direction
- Is not the function or responsibility of full Council or its other standing or special Committees
- Is not prohibited by legislation
- Otherwise falls within the objectives and scope of the group
- External representatives appointed to the committee have full voting rights.
Full Terms of Reference
To see the full Terms of Reference for the Kinloch Representative Group and all other council committees, refer to the Terms of Reference and Delegations for Council Committees adopted on 15 November 2022.