Tūrangi Co-Governance Committee

Pictured above, left to right: Tūrangi Co-Governance Committee members Deputy Mayor Kevin Taylor, councillor Sandra Greenslade, Amanda Martin, co-chair Te Takinga New, co-chair Mayor David Trewavas, Lauren Fletcher, Christian Asher and Amy Walker.
Committee members
Membership of the Tūrangi Co-Governance Committee is made up of four members elected by Ngāti Tūrangitukua (through the agreement of the Ngāti Tūrangitukua Charitable Trust and the Ngāti Tūrangitukua Māori Committee) and appointed by Council; and four members appointed by Council, one of whom is the Mayor.
- Te Takinga New (elected by Ngāti Tūrangitukua)
- Christian Asher (elected by Ngāti Tūrangitukua)
- Lauren Fletcher (elected by Ngāti Tūrangitukua)
- Amy Walker (elected by Ngāti Tūrangitukua)
- Mayor David Trewavas
- Deputy Mayor Cr Kevin Taylor
- Cr Sandra Greenslade
- Amanda Martin (community representative)
Meeting and workshop dates
The Tūrangi Co-Governance Committee meet every month.
- Meeting location: Te Mataapuna, Tūrangitukua Park, Hirangi Road, Tūrangi.
- Agendas and minutes: You can view these on our agendas and minutes page.
- Public forum: Up to 30 minutes will be set aside during each meeting for a public forum (see the section below for more information).
Date | Time | Type |
Wednesday 5 March | 10.30am to 11am | Workshop |
Wednesday 5 March | 11am to 12.30pm | Meeting |
Wednesday 2 April | 10.30am | Meeting |
Wednesday 7 May | 10.30am | Meeting |
Wednesday 4 June | 10.30am | Meeting |
Wednesday 2 July | 10.30am | Meeting |
Wednesday 6 August | 10.30am | Meeting |
Wednesday 3 September | 10.30am | Meeting |
Public forum
The public forum provides an opportunity for the Tūrangi community to talk to members of the co-governance committee on any upcoming agenda item or topic of interest concerning the area.
Up to 30 minutes will be set aside during each meeting (see meeting dates and times above) for this forum. Each speaker or group may speak for five minutes (or longer at the discretion of the Chair).
Members of the public wishing to speak should email publicforum@taupo.govt.nz no later than 5pm two days prior to the meeting.
Notes, photographs or other documentation used during an address or presentation will be required for Council's records.
No debate or comment will be made by members of the committee after your presentation, however, members may ask questions for clarification. It should be noted that as this is not a formal meeting, no formal decisions can be made. If a decision or recommendation is required, the matter will be referred to a future meeting for further consideration.
Criticisms of individual elected/representative members or individual staff members are not allowed.
The Chair may refuse applications which are repetitious or offensive and may stop a speaker in progress where the subject matter is disrespectful or offensive.
If you have any questions regarding our public forum, please email publicforum@taupo.govt.nz.
Governance and Terms of Reference
The objective of the Tūrangi Co-Governance Committee is to govern the implementation and fulfil the purpose and functions as prescribed in the Mana Whakahono ā Rohe Agreement between the Ngāti Tūrangitukua Charitable Trust, the Ngāti Tūrangitukua Māori Committee and Taupō District Council.
Scope of activity
- Providing a local perspective and input into the development of Council’s key policies, plans, strategies and bylaws that will impact on the area within the Mana Whakahono boundary (“the Mana Whakahono boundary”).
- Maintaining an overview of the delivery of Council services in the Mana Whakahono boundary including financial and non-financial reporting via receipt of updates from Council officers on a six-monthly basis; and providing recommendations back to the Council where improvements could be made.
- Providing local input into the development and review of Council’s key planning documents such as the Council’s Long-term Plan, annual plan, structure plans and reserve management plans. This will include making recommendations to Council on the priorities for future infrastructure investment related to the three waters, solid waste and transportation; and future community facilities.
- Advocating to the Council with regard to the needs and priorities for the Mana Whakahono boundary to promote social, cultural, environmental and economic wellbeing, including preparing an annual submission to Council’s budgetary process for expenditure within the Mana Whakahono boundary.
- Considering and reporting on all matters referred to it by Council or any matter of interest or concern to the area.
- Communicating with communities, community organisations and special interest groups within the Mana Whakahono boundary.
- Exercising Council’s statutory regulatory functions under the following Acts and Regulations (and any amendments) that are not elsewhere delegated to staff and that relate to matters within the Mana Whakahono boundary
- Local Government Act 1974 (“LGA 1974”)
- Part 21 including road naming (section 319A of the LGA 1974)
- Decisions on pedestrian malls (section 336 of the LGA 1974);
- Licences to occupy roads (section 341(3) of the LGA 1974); and
- Decisions on stopping and closing roads (section 342 of the LGA 1974). 9 [A3213675]
- Reserves Act 1977
- The Committee will carry out the administering body functions under the Reserves Act 1977 for the reserves as set out in Schedule 5 to the Mana Whakahono ā Rohe Agreement between the Ngāti Tūrangitukua Charitable Trust, the Ngāti Tūrangitukua Māori Committee and the Taupō District Council. These functions include those referred to in Schedule 2 to the Ngāti Tūrangitukua Claims Settlement Act 1999, subject to the restrictions, terms and conditions set out in that Schedule; and
- The Committee will also carry out any other functions that are necessary to achieve the intention of Part D of the Mana Whakahono ā Rohe Agreement.
- Considering and determining resident and ratepayer appeals in relation to the Council’s Tree and Vegetation Policy affecting trees and vegetation in the Mana Whakahono boundary.
- Making changes to Council’s traffic control device register relating to roads and public spaces in the area (e.g. no stopping, parking signs and times, road markings etc) in accordance with bylaws made under the Land Transport Act 1998.
- Confirming the location and design of community facilities within the Mana Whakahono boundary to achieve the outcomes agreed by Council within any budget constraints set by Council. In fulfilling this role, the Committee will set out the parameters of any desired co-design process on a project-by-project basis.
- Receiving regular updates on the implementation of the work programme related to the three waters infrastructure including progress on resource consent applications to the Waikato Regional Council.
- In respect of issues related to the health and wellbeing of the Tongariro River, Hirangi Stream, Hangarito Stream, Taupō Moana and other water bodies within the Mana Whakahono boundary, and where those issues are within the Council’s legal control and functions:
- considering issues;
- giving effect to the principles of Te Mana o Te Wai;
- making recommendations to Council on actions to be taken; and
- where those issues relate to other parties, undertaking advocacy to try and address those issues.
- Acting within any other decision-making powers Council delegates to the Committee that the Council considers would assist it to achieve the aspirations of the Partners
Power to act
The Committee can carry out any function, duty or power of the Council relevant to and within the Mana Whakahono boundary that:
- Supports Council’s Long-term Plan and/or policy direction.
- Is within Council’s Long-term Plan and the annual plan for the Tūrangi-Tongariro Ward.
- Is not the function or responsibility of full Council or its other standing or special committees.
- Is not prohibited by legislation.
- Otherwise falls within the objectives and scope of the Committee.
- Council delegates its powers and duties under the Acts, Regulations and policies specified above, except where they may not be delegated, or where they are elsewhere delegated.
- If any matter is of such strategic or policy importance or urgency, then, with the endorsement of the Co-Chairs or His Worship the Mayor, the matter shall be referred by way of recommendation direct to Council.
Power to recommend to Council
The Committee can make recommendations to Council on matters or proposals relevant to the area within the Mana Whakahono boundary that:
- Are outside of, or in conflict with, Council’s Long-term Plan and/or policy direction.
- Involve unbudgeted expenditure for any contract or project.
Delegation of powers
This committee has no powers to sub-delegate.
Limits on authority
The Committee’s ‘power to act’ pursuant to these delegations is subject to matters being related solely to the area within the Mana Whakahono boundary.
Full Terms of Reference
To see the full Terms of Reference for the Tūrangi Co-Governance Committee and all other council committees, refer to the Terms of Reference and Delegations for Council Committees adopted on 15 November 2022.