A calligraphy exhibition launched by a group from our Chinese friendship city is now on at Taupo Library.
The exhibition was installed in conjunction with a group visiting as part of the Shaoxing 1000 tourist initiative that aims to see at least 1000 of its residents visit our district. Twenty exchange students from Shaoxing University who are teaching Chinese calligraphy at Auckland University assembled the exhibition ahead of its opening on Monday.
The Shaoxing Overseas Association of New Zealand coordinated the initiative, and spokesman Jacky Zeng said it was important for both districts.
"It is my honour to encourage these cities to have more cultural and educational exchanges," he said. "Tourism is the first step to know each other and encourage better understanding of the two cities."
He said local businesses had been pleased to see the group, and similarly the Chinese visitors appreciated what the Taupo District had to offer.
"It's extremely different to all of our Chinese cities. It's all natural here and it leaves a good impression," he said.
Acting business and technology group manager Chloe Walker said it was great to be able to host the group.
"It is fantastic to see the cultural and economic benefits from our relationship with Shaoxing growing, and we love welcoming the visitors to our beautiful district," she said.
The exhibition runs until Saturday, September 3. Entry is free.