New refuge islands are about to be installed at two Lake Terrace intersections and a footpath realigned to make it safer for pedestrians.
Currently, pedestrians who want to cross the intersections of Mere Road and Lake Terrace and Taharepa Road and Lake Terrace have to cross very wide sections of road. Refuge islands installed over the next couple of weeks will provide resting points on both roads.
Repairs to the road surface were carried out in June ahead of the start of the project, which will also see the existing footpath moved north to align with the new refuge islands.
New kerb ramps and tactile pavers will be installed to improve access for those with limited mobility and green cycle lane markings will be done later this year to make motorists more aware of cyclists.
Infrastructure manager Denis Lewis said the new layout and additions would improve accessibility and visibility for pedestrians at the intersection.
"The volume of traffic that moves through this area makes it quite difficult to cross these intersections," he said. "The refuge island on Mere Road has been designed to reduce the number of vehicles turning right on to Lake Terrace, which will also make crossing easier and safer for pedestrians."
"We hope motorists can be patient while work is in progress, and take care once it is finished, until they get used to the new layout." This project will be funded through our minor improvement programme which is subsidised by the New Zealand Transport Agency.