Draft Tree and Vegetation Policy
31 March 2014
If you care about trees and vegetation in public places then now is the chance to have your say.
Taupo District Council's draft Tree and Vegetation Policy is now open for submissions. The draft policy aims to provide consistent management of trees and vegetation on council land, including planting, maintenance, removal and replacement.
Several changes to the existing policy are proposed. These include clearer guidelines around the removal of problem trees and the updating of relevant information.
The policy is being reviewed in response to submissions received during the consultation of the Annual Plan 2013/14 last year. The review was originally planned for 2015 but a strong desire from the community to bring it forward led to its review a year earlier.
Policy advisor Kara Scott said this was the community's chance to have its say on how trees on council land were managed. Trees are a popular subject of discussion in the Taupo District so we want to have a policy that considers the interests of the whole community, she said.
The draft policy can be viewed at Taupo District libraries, council offices, or on our website.
Anyone wishing to comment has until 5pm, Friday 2 May. Submissions must include contact details and can be lodged online, at any council office, or posted to Taupo District Council, Private Bag 2005, Taupo Mail Centre, Taupo 3352.
Lisa Nairne Communications Manager 07 376 0762 027 839 8410
Vicki Waterhouse Communications Advisor 07 376 0718 027 484 2549
Taupo District Council