Revised gambling policy adopted
The number of gaming machines allowed in the Taupo District will be reduced to 191 following a review of the council's gambling policy.
As part of a required three-yearly review of the Class 4 Gambling and TAB Policy, the decision was made to reduce the total number of machines that can be operated in the district from 225 to 191. Currently there are 182 active gaming machines, so the drop will allow only one new venue with nine machines to open.
This was the only substantive change to the policy and existing licensed machines are not affected.
You can view a copy of the policy at
The policy will be reviewed again in 2020.
13 December 2017
Lisa NairneCommunications Manager 07 376 0762 027 839 8410
Andy TaylorSenior Communications Advisor 07 376 0899 027 570 4651