Work on the final stage of the Titiraupenga Street upgrade is going great, with the project on schedule for completion prior to the busy Christmas season.
While the top of Titiraupenga Street was scheduled to reopen over the weekend, it will now remain closed so that our contractor can make sure everything is ready for resealing next week. The resealing on Spa Road will follow this, as quickly as possible to try and avoid some bad weather predicted for later in the week. Please drive safely around the work site and follow the guidance of the traffic management team.
Once this work is in place we will be commissioning the new lights on the Spa Road/Titiraupenga intersection and everything will be up and running before Christmas! Just like the te Heuheu intersection, there will be an initial period of fine tuning the timings and synchronisation with the lights further down Titiraupenga Street, so please be patient while our new lights go through their learning curve!