Taupō Airport welcomes Wayne Wootton
If you're at Taupō Airport over the next couple of months you'll notice a new face in the form of Wayne Wootton, who is stepping in as Acting General Manager to help out the busy operations team for two months.
Wayne has extensive experience in airport management, having worked at Napier Airport, Rotorua Airport and most recently as Chief Executive at Papa Rererangi i Puketapu, a Council controlled trading organisation of New Plymouth District Council, and he'll be working with Operations Manager Kim Gard while General Manager Rhys Frearson focusses on the Airport's arrangements in working with Taupō Airport Authority and Ministry of Transport.
It's a very busy time for our Airport team, with the new carpark nearly complete and the new terminal construction making great progress, so it's great to have Wayne's expertise onboard for two months to help out!