Candidate nominations for the local authority elections are open now
If you’re passionate about your community and have ideas for how to make it even better, then now is the time to make your stand for Taupō District Council.
The local government elections are being held on October 8. These elections occur every three years and are your opportunity to represent your community and the district.
Nominations opened today and close at 12 noon on Friday, 12 August.
Taupō District Council chief executive officer Gareth Green says it’s an exciting time to be part of Council and becoming a councillor is a great opportunity to see your community progress.
“Taupō District is growing at record speed, which means we’re facing some great opportunities and interesting challenges.
“As a councillor, you’ll be guiding our district through it all, and making sure we’re sustainable for future generations to come.”
The Taupō District Council election will be for the mayor and 12 councillors as follows:
- Mayor at large
- One councillor for the Mangakino-Pouakani ward
- One councillor for the Taupō East Rural ward
- Seven councillors for the Taupō ward
- Two councillors for the Te Papamārerea Māori ward
- One councillor for the Tūrangi-Tongariro ward
Check out the council Overview Booklet at which sets the scene of important issues and opportunities facing the Taupō District and outlines a few of council’s major focuses. It will be followed by our pre-election report later in July, which will include further information about our financial position and major projects planned over the upcoming three years.
Candidates can submit a candidate profile statement and colour photograph with their nomination, for sending out with voting documents to electors. The requirements are set out in the candidate handbook which is available with the nomination forms at
Completed nomination documents must be received by the electoral officer no later than 12 noon on Friday 12 August 2022. Each nomination must be accompanied by a deposit of $200 including GST.