Work underway on new papa tākaro
Tēnā anō tātou, ko te koronga o te ngākau me ōna pūmanawa whiti e rere kau atu ana ki a koutou e noho nei i ōu koutou āhuru mōwai. Ka tika, kia whakanuia te rangimārie me te manaaki o Ihowa o ngā Mano e tau nei ki runga i a tātou katoa.
The work site for the new papa tākaro (playground) at Te Kapua Park has been blessed and construction is expected to get under way in the coming weeks.
Contractors, locals, kaumatua and tamariki gathered for the blessing on Monday 1 May to ensure the safety of all those working on the project, which is a partnership between Ngāti Tūrangitukua, who own the land, and Taupō District Council.
Mayor David Trewavas, who co-chairs the Tūrangi Co-Governance Committee, thanked Ngāti Tūrangitukua for their generosity in allowing use of their whenua for the benefit of the wider community and for the warm welcome and karakia.
Te Takinga New, who also co-chairs the committee, thanked all involved in the partnership project and said he is looking forward to its completion.
"This is going to be a fantastic space incorporating kōrero unique to the rohe for locals and visitors alike," he said.
"It is wonderful that it will be something that is unique to Tūrangi."
The project has a total budget of $1.12 million and aims to have a variety of ways for tamariki to play and that will be embraced by the community. It is scheduled for completion in August.
Heoi anō,
E noho ora mai rā i roto i ēnei mihi mahana e hokahoka atu nei.