New committee to oversee the future of Motutere Reserve
Taupō District Council has committed to working with local hapū on the future management of a popular lakeside reserve.
A committee made up of Taupō District councillors and Ngāti Te Rangiita representatives has been established to oversee a review of the Motutere Reserve Management Plan. This review will provide clarity for the community on the management of the reserve, regardless of any future administration arrangements.
The establishment of the committee, which includes Taupō District councillors Deputy Mayor Kevin Taylor, Danny Loughlin, and Sandra Greenslade, and Ngāti Te Rangiita representatives Aroha French, Maru Maniapoto, and Jade Wikaira, was approved at Tuesday’s council meeting.
Ngāti Te Rangiita, a hapū of Ngāti Tūwharetoa, is the mana whenua of Motutere.
At present, the Motutere Recreation Reserve is administered by Taupō District Council. The Crown, through the Department of Conservation, council, and Ngāti Te Rangiita have previously discussed the need to review the way the reserve is administered.
The objective of the review is to restore the mana of Ngāti Te Rangiita and its ability to act as kaitiaki (guardian) of this land.
The Motutere Recreation Reserve Management Plan Committee will oversee the review process and make recommendations back to Council who will make the final decision.
A review of a reserve management plan provides for two rounds of consultation. The first round invites stakeholders, including campground users, to provide suggestions on the use, enjoyment and maintenance of the reserve, and these suggestions will help form the revised plan. The second round will invite feedback on the draft plan.
Both Ngāti Te Rangiita and council are committed to building relationships with all Motutere Bay stakeholders outside of the committee to ensure their interests are represented in the draft reserve management plan.