Opening hours and services on Waitangi Day
Here’s a few quick reminders about our opening hours and services on Waitangi Day, Tuesday 6 February 2024.
- Kerbside rubbish and recycling collections will be running as normal. So if Tuesday is your pickup day please make sure everything is kerbside by 7.30am as usual.
- Our Customer and Visitor Information Centres in Taupō and Turangi will be open 10am to 1pm on Tuesday. The Mangakino Service Centre is closed.
- Landfill and transfer stations will be open and you can find our opening hours at
- Taupō Museum will be open from 10am to 4.30pm on Waitangi Day, as normal.
- All of our libraries will be closed for the day on Tuesday.
Waitangi ki Taupō Moana 2024
Don't miss Waitangi ki Taupō Moana 2024, a whanau and community event to commemorate Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Hosted by Tutetawha Marae in association with Taupō District Council, this year’s event comes to Riverside Park in Taupō's CBD on Saturday 3 February.