Be ready for bird flu
Bird flu (also known as high pathogenicity avian influenza) is a highly contagious viral disease. It mostly affects domestic and wild birds.
New Zealand has never had a case of high pathogenicity avian influenza, but the H5N1 strain spreading overseas could spread here. A different strain (H7N6) has been detected in a free-range egg farm in Otago, which the Ministry of Primary Development (MPI) is taking seriously.
If you keep any kind of backyard flock, please start taking steps to protect your birds. The biggest precaution is to prevent them having contact with wild birds. Learn more on the MPI website.
Things we can all do to help our wildlife:
- Keep pets away from wildlife
- Stay away from nesting birds on beaches and rivers
- Keep shoes and clothes clean to avoid spreading disease when visiting national parks, nature reserves, or agricultural areas
- Report groups of three or more sick or dead birds, marine mammals or other wildlife to the MPI exotic pest and disease hotline: 0800 80 99 66
- Don't touch, handle or collect dead or dying birds