Council's emissions
Waste to landfill
Council organises rubbish and recycling collection in urban areas, manages waste transfer stations in our smaller towns, and disposes of most of the district’s rubbish and waste at the Broadlands landfill in Taupō.
Organic waste (such as food scraps, wood, paper and cardboard, and green-waste) releases greenhouse gases as it decomposes that contributes to climate change.
Under the Emissions Trading Scheme, Council is required to surrender carbon credits for the emissions associated with waste dumped each year at Broadland landfill, which costs around $1.8 million a year at current (2022) prices.
Council has some control over its electricity use. However, a large amount relates to the operation of water and wastewater treatment plants which are critical for public health and wellbeing. There is some, but limited scope to reduce electricity use, or to shift electricity use to off-peak times when New Zealand’s electricity is mostly renewable or low emission.
The emissions associated with generation of New Zealand’s electricity are outside council’s control. Meeting these targets will require NZ electricity generation to be met from fully renewable and low emission sources over time.
For most urban areas when you flush the toilet, pull the plug from a sink, or have a shower, Council collects, processes and disposes of the wastewater. Wastewater is also generated from commercial and industrial premises.
Wastewater includes organic matter such as human waste, food scraps, fats, oil and grease, and other debris such as sand, grit and plastic. The organic material, including human waste, releases greenhouse gases as it decomposes. The decomposing process, including the microbes involved and level of air, determines the amount of greenhouse gases produced.
Vehicle fleet and gardening operations
Council has a fleet of 132 mostly petrol and diesel vehicles, made up of 52 cars, 59 utes, 12 vans and nine trucks.
We also use petrol gardening equipment. Burning petrol and diesel emits greenhouses gases.
Infrastructure and facilities construction programme

Source: Green construction Board after HM Treasury (UK), Infrastructure Carbon Review, (November 2013)