Tūrangitukua Park Community Sports Facility
Project overview
A partnership between Ngāti Tūrangitukua and Taupō District Council has seen the construction of a new sports facility at Tūrangitukua Park in Tūrangi.
The new sports facility, Te Mataapuna, has been built to host visiting sports teams, provide shelter in poor weather and create a space for community groups to use, too. The location of the sports facility is easily accessible, close to the two playing fields and car parks, while the building itself includes a main hall, changing rooms and a kitchen. The project had a total budget of $3.5 million.
Location: | Tūrangitukua Park Tūrangi |
Project status: | Completed |
Project budget: | $3.5 million |
Contractor: | Livingstone Building Limited |
Start date: | August 2022 |
Completion date: | Winter 2023 |
Project updates
13 MAY 2023
Tūrangi’s new sports facility Te Mataapuna was blessed and officially opened today at Tūrangitukua Park.
The event, hosted by Ngāti Tūrangitukua at a 6am dawn blessing, was attended by around 200 people including Te Ariki Tā Tumu te Heuheu. The procession through the building was led by Te Owai Boyce, 7, who is a descendant of Ngāti Tūrangitukua and plays for Tongariro Junior Rugby and Tūrangi Dambusters rugby league.
The blessing and speeches were followed by a light breakfast before a programme of junior and senior rugby and league kicked off. Family activities such as face painting and a bouncy castle were also on hand to mark the occasion throughout the day.
12 DECEMBER 2022
Livingstone Building – the team doing the mahi at Tūrangitukua Park – has been dealing with four seasons in a day recently but is still making great progress on the new sports facility project.
The roof is now on and we are hoping to have all exterior doors and windows in before Christmas, with the interior finishing and fit out to follow in the new year. The team is working hard to ensure the facility is open for the start of the 2023 winter sports season.
18 NOVEMBER 2022
Thanks to everyone who joined us last Wednesday in Tūrangitukua Park to celebrate raising the roof of the new sports facility.
This is a much anticipated project for the Tūrangi community and this milestone was celebrated by about 60 to 70 locals, councillors, contractors and the project team, with games for the young and young at heart, as well as a good old Kiwi sausage sizzle.
There were tours of the construction site and it was great to hear so many positive comments about the project.
Special thanks to Ngati Tūrangitukua for the karakia and welcome, our contractor Livingstone Building for running the site tours, and Tūrangi ITM who provided the barbecue and did all the cooking! It was a fantastic day with our community – and we can’t wait for the grand opening.
18 OCTOBER 2022
We’re making great progress on the sports facility at Tūrangitukua Park and are looking forward to seeing it all finished and being put to good use by our local community.
In the latest instalment of our video updates we talk to some local sporting specialists, and we’re also putting it out there that we’re looking for expressions of interest from sporting groups to undertake the management of bookings and general responsibilities for the facility once it is complete.
To find out more get in touch with Charlie Nguyen at cnguyen@taupo.govt.nz or call 0800 ASK TDC; expressions of interest close at 1pm on Friday, 4 November.
Our sports facility project at Tūrangitukua Park is going well, and in the second of our video updates Councillor John Mack and Events and Venues Manager Steve Giles bring us up to speed and add a little background to the project.
In our first vlog about the Tūrangitukua Park Sports Facility, Kaumatua Jeff Bennett of Ngāti Tūrangitukua introduces the project and wishes all who use it well.

Left to right: Ed Wihare, site manager, with Chris Haskell and Pete Bradshaw of Taupō District Council.
12 AUGUST 2022
The weather has been less than ideal but that hasn’t stopped our contractor Livingstone Building Limited from getting the new sports facility at Tūrangitukua Park off to a great start.
The new facility, which is being built through a partnership with Ngāti Tūrangitukua and Taupō District Council, now has a completed foundation complete with internal water and wastewater pipes and electrical and data ducting in place.
Senior Project Manager Pete Bradshaw said that the blockwork superstructure is the next piece of the puzzle, with the timber framed walls set to go up in the coming weeks.
“All the boxing and steel reinforcing is in place,” Mr Bradshaw said, “and once the block work is done our timber framing can go in and our facility will start to look like a building!

Sir Tumu te Heuheu, Mayor David Trewavas, representatives from Ngāti Tūrangitukua and the Tūrangi-Tongariro Community Board, councillors and members of the community all turned out to the blessing at Tūrangitukua Park.
23 MAY 2022
The beginning of construction of the new sports facility at Tūrangitukua Park was marked with a blessing last Monday.
Sir Tumu te Heuheu helped to break the ground, Ngāti Tūrangitukua kaumatua Jeff Bennett officiated and the blessing was led by Katipo Te Hiini. Representatives of Ngāti Tūrangitukua, council, the Tūrangi-Tongariro Community Board, and construction contractor Livingstone Building were joined by Mayor David Trewavas, councillors and members of the community.
Mr Bennett said the facility would be an asset for the town and was something that the community had wanted for many years.