Our public forum provides an opportunity for people to address the Mayor and Councillors on any upcoming agenda item or topics of interest concerning the Taupo District.
Up to 30 minutes will be set aside immediately before each monthly council meeting for this forum. Council meetings are typically held at 1pm on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check council meeting dates and times.
Each speaker or group may speak for five minutes (or longer at the discretion of the Mayor).
Notes, photographs or other documentation used during an address or presentation will be required for Council's records.
No debate or comment will be made by elected members after your presentation, however, members may ask questions for clarification. It should be noted that as this is not a formal meeting, no formal decisions can be made. If a Council decision is required, the matter will be referred to a future Council or committee meeting for further consideration.
Criticisms of individual elected members or individual staff members are not allowed.
The Mayor may refuse applications which are repetitious or offensive and may stop a speaker in progress where the subject matter is disrespectful or offensive.
Members of the public wishing to speak must advise us of the reasons and subject by 4pm on the Thursday prior to the meeting.
Registration should be on the form below and include:
- Name, address and contact details
- Content details
- Questions or presentation summary
If you have any questions regarding our public forum, please email publicforum@taupo.govt.nz.