Building services fees
Building consent
The building fees below are minimum, non-refundable, application fees. Processing applications are charged at an hourly rate, and costs greater than the application fee will be recovered from the applicant.
Building consent | Fee |
Applications for building consents not entered as an online application to cover additional administration costs | $125.00 |
Building Consent Authority Administration Fee | $115.00 |
Fireplace fixed fee (includes one inspection, BCA & CCC application fee) | $530.00 |
Demolition/Removal Application (includes one inspection) | $440.00 |
Temporary Building Application fixed fee (includes marquees, first inspection, BCA and CCC application fee) | $565.00 |
Recovery of building staff time | |
Building Management Officer (hourly rate) | $245.00 |
Business Support Officers (hourly rate) | $170.00 |
Registration of exemption from Building Consent (including BCA fee) | $360.00 |
Application to reliven existing consent (after CCC decision) | $595.00 |
Amendment to Building Consent (minimum fee including BCA fee) | $325.00 |
Application for extension of time to start or to complete the project covered by a building consent | $190.00 |
Amendment to Building Consent (minimum fee) (Processed URGENTLY) processed within five working days after lodgement has been accepted (including BCA fee) | $640.00 |
Site inspections
These are minimum non-refundable application fees based on a 45-minute inspection. After 45 minutes inspections will be charged out per 15 minutes based on the 45-minute fee.
The actual type and number of inspections required will be assessed during the processing of the building consent and payment for these inspections will be made when uplifting the building consent. This is an estimate only, and the cost of additional inspections will be recovered from the applicant before a Code Compliance Certificate is issued.
Site inspections | Fee |
Inspections All Classes (45 minute minimum charge) | $181.00 |
Inspections All classes (per 15 minutes after the minimum) | $60.30 |
After hours inspections (per 30 minutes) | $300.00 |
Inspection cancellation fee | $180.00 |
Code Compliance Certificate applications
Code Compliance Certificate applications | Fee |
Residential | $205.00 |
Commercial | $415.00 |
Preparation and issuance of compliance schedule (hourly charge) | $240.00 |
Amendments to Compliance Schedule (hourly rate) | $240.00 |
Infringements in accordance with the Building Act 2004 Schedule 1 Infringement offences and fees Regulations 2007 (no GST).
Infringements (no GST) | Fee |
Notice to fix (s164 Building Act 2004) | $250.00 |
Failing to comply with the requirement that building work must be carried out in accordance with a building consent (s40) | $1,250.00 |
Person who is not a licenced building practitioner carrying restricted building work without supervision of a licenced building practitioner with an appropriate licence (s85(1)) | $940.00 |
Licenced building practitioner carrying out restricted building work without appropriate licence (s82(2)(a)) | $625.00 |
Failing to supply Territorial Authority with a building warrant of fitness (s108(5)(aa)) | $315.00 |
Failing to display a building warrant of fitness when required (s108(5)(a)) | $315.00 |
Other infringements in accordance with Building Act 2004 Schedule 1 Infringement offences and fees Regulations 2007 | As per schedule |
Other charges
Other charges | Fee |
Miscellaneous certificates | $315.00 |
Certificates of Title and Consent Notices (per certificate) | $31.00 |
Change of Use Notification (s114-s115 Building Act 2004) | $190.00 |
Project Information Memorandum (minimum fee) | $250.00 |
Council Information Memorandum (minimum fee) | $250.00 |
Registration of certificate (s73 Building Act 2004) | Actual costs |
Certificate issued under s77 of the Building Act 2004 | Actual costs |
Building Warrant of Fitness – annual | $145.00 |
Building Warrant of Fitness – audit inspection (hourly rate, minimum charge of one hour) | $240.00 |
Producer Statements/Engineers’ Designs/Specialist Services – Peer reviews external specialist charges | At cost |
Certificates of Acceptance (s96 - 99 Building Act 2004) NOTE: fees associated with processing and inspecting the application is additional to this charge. (including BCA fee) | $1,250.00 |
Notification of Existing Building Work/Existing Fire Appliance | $625.00 |
Certificates for Public Use (s363A Building Act 2004) Processed within 20 working days and includes one inspection (including BCA fee) | $470.00 |
Urgent Certificate for Public Use (s363A Building Act 2004) Processed within 5 working days, unless further information is requested (including BCA fee) | $655.00 |
BRANZ levy (per $1000 value of work) | $1.00 |
Building levy (per $1000 value of work over $65,000) | $1.75 |
Swimming Pool inspection | $100.00 |