Exemptions to registration
There are some situations where a registration is not required under the Food Act 2014. Examples of such exceptions include:
- You are already operating an accepted Food Safety Programme or Risk Management Plan covering all products and locations as accepted by the Ministry for Primary Industries, e.g. Risk Management Programme;
- If you are operating an occasional premises, boarding houses, B&B or accommodation (for less than 10 guests) which provides food as part of the main service;
- You are part of a club and occasionally provide food where food is not the object of the occasion. For example, after-match snacks;
- If your business is only selling retailed, manufacturer packaged shelf-stable food with no handling of products and provides no chilled or frozen foods;
- You are fundraising for an approved cause (see out fundraising document for more information).
If you believe your business may qualify for an exemption, please contact an environmental health officer on 07 376 0899 to discuss whether you will be exempt. You may also wish to look at Schedule 3 of the Food Act 2014 which lists food sectors that are exempt.
Clubs, organisations and societies exemption
Under the Food Act 2014, clubs, organisations and societies activities are often exempt from registration. This exemption can only apply in certain circumstances which are summarised below.
To be considered an exempt club, organisation or society you must meet all of the following criteria:
- Only provide food as part of club events, for example, an after match fry-up or annual club meet;
- Food is not the main purpose of the event;
- Food is provided only to club/society members or associated club/society members & guests (not the general public);
- You are registered as a club/society.
You are not considered to be exempt if:
- You provide food to the general public;
- You provide food for sale as a requirement of a club licence outside of club events e.g. bar meals;
- You sell food outside of usual club activities e.g. watching rugby games on TV or Friday night drinks etc;
- You are catering away from the club.