Deemed permitted activities
After you have submitted your application, a planner will determine whether the correct information has been provided and that your proposal meets the criteria of a deemed permitted boundary activity.
We have 10 working days to decide whether to return your application or issue a written notice.
If your application is missing information, you will be advised by email what is required. Your application will be returned and must be re-submitted with the missing information once it has been obtained.
Please note that the full 10 working days will start again from the date your application is re-submitted.
If your application has the required information and meets the relevant criteria then a written notice will be issued. Once issued you have five years to undertake your proposed activity or the notice will lapse.
An invoice for the time spent processing your application will be charged upon issue of the written notice, including any time spent on reassessing returned applications.
Resource consent fees and charges
Deemed permitted marginal or temporary activity
Some activities may be so inconsequential that the council can exercise discretion to not proceed through a resource consent process and decide to issue an exemption. This may be picked up through the building consent process or, at times, a proposal may be put to the council by an applicant as suitable for this process. To qualify to be a deemed permitted marginal or temporary activity, the activity must meet the following criteria outlined under section 87BB of the RMA:
- the activity would be a permitted activity except for a marginal or temporary non-compliance
- any adverse environmental effects of the activity are no different in character, intensity or scale than they would be in the absence of the marginal or temporary non-compliance
- any adverse effects of the activity on a person are less than minor.
An invoice for the time spent processing this exemption will be charged upon issue of the confirmation letter.