Notified resource consents
When we receive your resource consent application, we will decide whether other people or organisations need to be consulted about the project. This determines how the application will be processed and how long it will take.
Most applications are processed without notification however, if the proposal has a broader effect on the environment, we will consider:
- notifying those directly affected (limited notification), or
- notifying the public generally (public notification).
Limited notification
If the effects of your proposal are minor and you have not obtained written approval from everyone we consider to be affected, then those people will be notified of your application.
Affected people can make a submission supporting or opposing your application within 20 working days.
Limited notified applications usually take around four months to process. This timeframe can be shortened if a hearing is not required.
Public notification
If we determine the effects of your proposal are more than minor, we may decide to publicly notify your application.
A public notice will appear in newspapers and on our website along with the application documents. We will also directly notify adversely affected people and people we are required to notify under the Resource Management Act 1991.
Anyone can make a submission supporting or opposing your application within 20 working days.
Publicly notified applications usually take around six months to process.
We encourage applicants and submitters to communicate directly to discuss any concerns and identify ways to address those concerns.
If this is not successful, we will hold a public hearing to decide on your application.
Making a submission
You can only submit on a resource consent application if:
- we have publicly notified the application in newspapers and on our website, or
- we sent you a letter giving you notice of the application as we think you may be an affected party.
You have 20 working days after the application is notified to make a submission. We'll let you know the date and time the submission period ends so you can get your submission in on time.
Lodge your submission online via the link identified in the notice of application. If the application has been publicly notified, you can find the link on our publicly notified resource consent applications page.
Publicly notified resource consent applications
To make your submission as effective as possible, have a read of the Ministry of Environments guide.
More information: Ministry for the Environment: Everyday guide to the RMA - Making a submission about a resource consent application.
Hearings are formal meetings where a panel of independent hearing commissioners or councillors:
- consider your application
- listen to any evidence for and against your application
- listen to any submissions made
- make a decision on your application.
Before the hearing
All parties will receive notice of the date, time and venue for the hearing at least 10 working days in advance.
Our planner's report and recommendations will be sent to you and to all submitters who indicated that they wish to speak at the hearing about their submission.
During the hearing
If your application is the subject of a hearing, you or your representatives present your application and call any experts to provide evidence in support of your application.
Submitters who indicated they wish to be heard at the hearing have an opportunity to present their submission. They can also call experts or representatives to provide evidence in relation to their submission.
The applicant only has a right of reply to any issues raised by the submitters. After the reply, the chairperson closes the public part of the hearing.
Any member of the public can attend a hearing; however, the only people who can speak at the hearing are:
- the hearings commissioners
- the applicant and their witnesses
- Taupō District Council staff and their experts
- submitters and their experts.
Speakers cannot raise issues beyond the scope of your application or any submission.
More information
Ministry for the Environment: Everyday guide to the RMA - Appearing at a council resource consent hearing
After the hearing
Following the public part of the hearing, the hearing panel consider all information supplied by you, any submitters, and council staff. This includes all written submissions, even if they were not presented at the hearing.
The panel decide whether or not to grant a consent and consider any conditions that may be applied.
Unless the timeframe is extended, we will notify you and everyone involved of the decision, in writing within 15 working days from the close of the hearing.