Planning for the future of water services
All councils are required to develop a Water Services Delivery Plan by September 2025.
The plan needs to outline how all water services (drinking water, wastewater and stormwater) will be delivered and financed into the future. Factors such as affordability, local influence, quality of service, governance and cost effectiveness will be key things to consider as we put together our plan.
The Water Services Delivery Plan is about understanding all the options and consulting with our community on it. We need to explore at least one alternative option and compare that with retaining waters services within council.
Each option will have pros and cons, costs and benefits - and each option will directly affect how much you pay for water services and what you get for your money. All options will need to comply with new stringent requirements set out by central government.
One of the options being explored is to form a multi-council organisation to look after water services in the Waikato region. There are advantages in joining with other councils to deliver water services and there are also advantages of going it alone, especially as we have invested wisely over many years in our water infrastructure.
We are working hard to understand what these reforms mean for us and for our communities and to ensure you get the best option that future-proofs our water systems and is financially sustainable.