Oath or affirmation of allegiance
Candidates must recite the Oath of Allegiance or Affirmation of Allegiance before becoming a New Zealand citizen.
Oath in English
“I [say your name] swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles the Third, King of New Zealand, his heirs and successors according to law, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of New Zealand and fulfil my duties as a New Zealand citizen. So help me God.”
Oath in te reo Māori
“Ko ahau, ko [say your name] e kī taurangi ana ka pirihonga ahau, ka piripono ki Te Ariki Tauaroa a Kīngi Tiāre te Tuatoru, te Kīngi o Aotearoa, me ōna uri ake me ōna whakakapi e ai ki te ture, ā, ka aro pirihonga ahau ki ngā ture o Aotearoa me te whakatutuki i āku mahi hei kirirarau o Aotearoa. Nō reira e te Atua, āwhinatia mai ahau.”