Celebrate Matariki in the Taupō district
Aotearoa will celebrate its newest public holiday, Matariki on Friday 24 June.
The Matariki star cluster, otherwise known as Pleiades, appears in the month of June marking the start of the Māori New Year.
It’s a time where people gather to remember the year that has passed, to celebrate the present, and to plan for the year ahead. A time for us to reflect on our loved ones who are no longer with us, to feast and celebrate with whānau and friends, and to look towards the future.
Whether you chose to celebrate at home with your whānau over the long weekend or attend one of the many events around the rohe, there is something for everyone and every budget.
Kaihaukai / feasting
Food and feasting together is a central element of Matariki. It’s a special time of year to share kai together with good company. Prepare and enjoy a mid-winter feast with your friends or whānau, or visit one of our many restaurants and eateries, gather around a crackling fire and toast to the year ahead.
Manaakitanga / caring
Make a donation of non-perishable food items to support the wellbeing of whānau in our community thanks to the Matariki Community Kai Collection. Drop donations into any the district libraries until Thursday 30 June. Items will be donated to Te Korowai Roopu Tautoko Pataka Kai in Taupō and Tūrangi, and to the Mangakino Food Bank.
Mana Taiao / environmental awareness
Caring for nature and the health of the environment is intrinsically linked to Matariki. Celebrate your connection to nature by spending time outdoors and reflect on what you can do to help protect our natural environment here in Taupō. Enjoy nature and get out on one of the many stunning walking or biking trails, listen to birdsong in the forest, the roar of a waterfall, or relax with a soak under the stars in healing geothermal waters.
What’s on: Reconnect with the whenua and plant a tree at the Matariki Planting Day with Greening Taupō in partnership with Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board, 9.30 to 1pm, Wednesday 22 June.
Visit facebook.com/GreeningTaupo to find out more.
Whakanui / celebrations
Matariki is a time of celebration and festivities, a time for us to gather to give thanks for all the blessings and good times we have shared during the past year.
Reconnect with your friends and whānau and plan a weekend together in the Taupō district. Attend local events together, or share stories around the dinner table, play games with loved ones and discuss your dreams and goals for the year ahead.
What’s on: Explore contemporary fashion through the life and work of Māori designer and fashion activist Jeanine Clarkin at Taupō Museum, 18 June until 14 August. Te Aho Tapu Hou: The new sacred thread showcases distinctive garments created by Clarkin over the last three decades.
Visit taupo.govt.nz/museum for more information.
Celebrate together and marvel at magical light art at the Matariki Festival of Light Art Installation, 24-30 June at Rangitukua Reserve in Whareroa, and 1-7 July, Tokaanu Village. See beautiful lightboxes adorned with tāniko and tukutuku and learn about the designs and the star of Matariki represented by the lightbox.
Taupō Quiltmakers has over 60 members, explore some of their works at Quilting with the Stars Exhibition, 24-26 June at the Great Lake Centre. The challenge quilt section is the theme Matariki and Me.
Check out the event on eventfinda.co.nz.
Whakamaumaharatanga / remembrance
Matariki is a time for reflection and to honour those that we have lost since the last rising of Matariki. A way you could do this is through sharing knowledge of your whakapapa (genealogy) with your children, by telling stories of your ancestors, and looking through family photos together.
What’s on: Tamariki can decorate a Matariki gratitude star and add it to the community display at any of the Taupō District Libraries, until Saturday 25 June. Reflect on the meaning of Matariki and make a star out of wool, until Sunday 26 June at The Taupō Museum. The stars can be taken away with the children or displayed in the gallery.
These are just some of the events on around the district to celebrate Matariki.
For more information on events in the Taupō district go to the Love Taupō website or check out our Events and Venues Facebook page.
To learn more about the meaning of Matariki visit matariki.net.nz.
Mānawatia A Matariki!