The new roundabout on Tongariro Street is in place and will open to traffic tonight! It’s been a massive job with all the weeks of preparatory work paying off with a few fast and furious days of concrete pours.
The new roundabout, the new, expanded intersection shoulders and the pedestrian islands have now all been poured, so a huge shout out to our contractor for some serious mahi this week – and thanks also to the weather for coming to the party!
The team will be installing plantings in the coming weeks and getting the paving down before Easter, but the major work on this site is nearly done and dusted. To complete the transformation of Tongariro Street between Story Place and Spa Road, the northbound lane will be resealed over three nights, starting on Sunday. This work will see the northbound lane on Tongariro Street closed between 6pm and 6am on Sunday 10 April, Monday 11 April and Tuesday 12 April. A detour will be in place during these times so please follow the guidance of our traffic management team, as always. The completion of this work will mark a significant milestone in our Taupō Town Centre Transformation (TTCT) project!
We’d like to thank everyone for their patience during this part of the project, particularly the nearby businesses, it’s going to be great having traffic flowing smoothly around this intersection again.
The next stop for the Tongariro team is the new road layout on the southern section of the street, which will be getting underway after Easter, so stay tuned for the next phase of our TTCT project.