Alcohol licensing public notices
Current alcohol licensing public notices
DLC Record Number | Application Type | Premises Name | Objections Close |
CL0042 | Renewal of Club Licence | Turangi Squash Incorporated | 7 March 2025 |
CL0006 | Renewal of Club Licence | Taupo Tennis Incorporated | 18 March 2025 |
CL0005 | Renewal of Club Licence | Tirohanga Settlers & Sports Association Inc. | 18 March 2025 |
OF0132 | New Off Licence | Belle Retail Limited | 02 March 2025 |
ON0343 | Renewal On Licence | Pointon Hospitality Limited | 27 March 2025 |
ON0289 | Renewal of On Licence | Great Lake Adventures Limited | 27 March 2025 |
ON0409 | New On Licence | Texas Petes BBQ Taupo Limited | 28 March 2025 |
OF0133 | New Off Licence | General Distributors Limited | 4 April 2025 |
ON0349 | Renewal On Licence | Lake Taupo Sailing Adventures Limited | 10 April 2025 |
OF0130 | Renewal Off Licence | Drivingcorp Limited | 10April 2025 |
ON0395 | Renewal On Licence | Spicy Touch Limited | 29 April 2025 |
Members of the public have an opportunity to object to an application for an alcohol licence. Your objection must be in writing and must be sent to the District Licensing Committee within 25 working days after the date of the first public notice.
Who can object
With the introduction of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Community Participation) Amendment Act 2023 any person, representative, group, or organisation wishing to object to a licence application may do so provided the objections meet the specified criteria. For more information see 'What you can object about' section below.
The only restrictions on public objections are where the objector is a trade competitor. Trade competitors may only object to licences where they are directly affected by the licence application in a way that is not related to trade competition or the effects of trade competition. This restriction also includes people who may receive help (directly or indirectly) to object from a trade competitor.
What you can object about
Your objections must relate to matters listed in Section 105 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. You must make specific reference to these matters in your letter for your objection to be valid.
Section 105, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012
The Act defines good order and amenity as 'pleasant and agreeable'. Section 106 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 can also help us understand what good order and amenity covers.
Section 106, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012
What to include in your objection
Your letter of objection must include:
- the name and location of the proposed premises
- why you have an interest that is greater than the general public in the licence application
- your reasons for objecting, based on section 105 or 106 criteria
- your name, address and contact details, including email address. (Note: email is the preferred mode for communication).
Who will know about your objection
We must send a copy of all objections to the alcohol licence applicant. Applicants are allowed to know the basis of any objections so they can decide whether to change their proposal, continue with their application or prepare a/ response to the objections.
The reporting officers (Licensing Inspector, Police, and Medical Officer of Health officers) will also be provided a copy of all objections.
Objections or objector contact details will not be published or advertised. However, if you wish to appear and be heard at a public hearing then your name and the nature of your objections do become a matter of public record.
What happens to your objection
When we receive your objection we will send you an acknowledgement. Your objection will also be sent to the alcohol licence applicant.
We assess your objection to make sure it meets the criteria for consideration:
- that you have an interest greater than the general public in the licence application, and
- that your grounds for objection meet the criteria under section 105 or 106.
Once all statutory reporting agencies have reported, the licence application file will be forwarded to the District Licensing Committee for a decision, along with all objections received. The application and objections will then be considered at a public hearing.
When a hearing date has been set we will write to all those involved advising the hearing date, time and location and procedure for disclosure of evidence and submissions.
Where to send your objection
Send your objection to the District Licensing Committee by post, email or in person.
Post: Private Bag 2005, Taupō Mail Centre, Taupō 3351
In person: 30 Tongariro Street, Taupō
Taupō DLC hearing procedures
At the DLC public hearing, the Registrar will ask all people who wish to have their say to complete an appearance slip for the file's records. The Commissioner will then explain the order of proceedings.
The licence applicant or the applicant's agent begins proceedings by stating their case, giving evidence and calling witnesses in support of the application. The Applicant should come prepared with a brief of evidence outlining their case. This brief of evidence should contain a summary as to why the Application should be approved. The Police and DLC follow with their matters of opposition or concern. Finally, the objectors have their say. All parties are given the opportunity to ask the witnesses questions.
Once the hearing is complete, the Taupō DLC may reserve its decision. This means it retires to consider the material presented at the hearing and review the application. It may take up to 20 working days for a decision to be issued.