What is the Long-term Plan all about?
With input from our communities, we develop a new Long-term Plan (LTP) every three years. The LTP sets out our vision, key projects, initiatives and budgets for the next 10 years. Once adopted, it effectively becomes the council’s agreement with its residents.
What are the key priorities?
The key priorities are based on what we’ve heard from Councillors, mana whenua, and our community. They also reflect what we practically need to prioritise and achieve over the next 10 years. For this LTP the key projects we are seeking feedback on are:
- The best way to fund council water supplies
- The future for the council administration building
- A new Taupō Museum and Art Gallery
- The future of the Lake Taupō Protection project.
You can submit on any of the issues highlighted, or any other activity undertaken by Council such as budgets, services and projects.
Why should I submit?
Important decisions like these need to be a collaboration between Council and community to make sure we all get the best outcomes. The LTP affects you and your whanau, so it’s important you have your say.
Do people have to own a house and pay rates in the district to have their say?
Nope! Anyone who is interested in the future of our district can submit their feedback. We want to hear from as much of the community as possible.
Has Covid-19 changed anything?
Following the global pandemic of Covid-19, we’ve had to rethink some of our plans and reprioritise some of our projects and activities in an attempt to balance what we can afford with ensuring the Taupō District remains a great place to live.
Are rates increasing?
The average rates increase proposed for 2021/22 in our Draft Long-term Plan is 6.50 percent. See a sample of rates by different property types across the district.
Who can I talk to find out more?
You can talk to your Ward Councillors and Mayor. See contact details.
You can also head along to one of our drop-in sessions. See dates and details.
How can I submit and find out more?
You can read the information on our website or in our consultation document and make a submission using our online form.
If you indicate you wish to present your submission in person, you will be contacted directly to arrange a time at the public hearing.
The consultation period for our draft Long-term Plan closed at 5pm on April 16, 2021. Thank you for all the submissions received.