Eligibility criteria and assessment framework
Eligibility criteria
Learn more about what types of projects are supported through Community Grants funding.
Please note the eligibility criteria and assessment framework shown below applies to all grants listed on our funds available page, with the exception of the Creative Communities Scheme and Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund which both have their own eligibility criteria, as shown on their respective pages.
Note that eligibility is not a guarantee that an application will be granted funding. This is determined through the Assessment Framework. A summary of the key points from the Community Funding Eligibility and Assessment Framework are included below, along with the full document.
Please be aware that all applications (including any personal information supplied) for community grants are made available to the council/committee and the public.
Eligibility criteria
These criteria determine whether an individual, group or organisation is eligible to apply for funding under the community funding programme. The criteria vary depending on the type of fund that the applicant is requesting funding from:
Strategic Partnership Fund: the applicant must be a not-for-profit, charitable organisation who will use the funds to benefit the local community (irrespective of where the organisation is based). An applicant who has previously received funding from Council must have fulfilled all its obligations and requirement under the previous funding agreement.
Accelerator Fund: the applicant must be a not-for-profit, charitable organisation who will use the funds to benefit the local community (irrespective of where the organisation is based). An applicant who has previously received funding from Council must have fulfilled all its obligations and requirement under the previous funding agreement.
Community Grant Funds: the applicant must be a not-for-profit, charitable organisation or an individual who will use the funds to benefit the local community (irrespective of where the organisation or individual is based or resides). The applicant must also use the funds contribute to one or more of our community outcomes. An applicant who has previously received funding from Council must have fulfilled all its obligations and requirement under the previous funding agreement.
What you can apply for
Funding may be used for but not limited to the following purposes:
- Materials & supplies
- Equipment and uniforms retained by club/organisation
- Advertising costs
- Venue or equipment hire
- Rent
- Salaries & wages
- Travel
- Accommodation
- Operational costs
- Maintenance of equipment or facilities
What you can’t apply for
Funding may not be used for the following purposes:
- Capital improvements to facilities not owned by the applicant
- Food/catering for an event
- Insurance
- Subscriptions
- Services or projects seeking to promote commercial, political or religious objectives
- Costs associated with fundraising events where profits are redistributed to another group
- Debt servicing or repayment
- Legal expenses
- Medical expenses
- Public services that are the responsibility of central government (e.g. core education, primary health care)
- Purchase of alcohol
- Prize money
- Equipment and uniforms retained by individuals
Assessment framework
Council will assess eligible applicants on how well the application meets the assessment framework set out below. Applications will be prioritised with a score from 1 – 5 , with 5 being the highest score.
The assessment framework is:
Project Purpose:
- Has the applicant clearly defined the purpose and expected community outcomes of the project, activity, or service?
- What is the need that is being met and why is this important?
Strategic Alignment:
- Has the applicant demonstrated how their initative aligns to council’s strategic priorities and goals?
- Has the applicant demonstrated if the initative aligns to relevant strategies or action plans?
Capacity and Experience:
- Does the applicant have the capability, capacity, and experience to deliver the project, activity, or service to an appropriate standard?
- Is this evidenced by a relevant track record of successful delivery?
Evidence-Based Budget:
- Does the application present a realistic, evidence-based budget for the project, activity, or service?
- Does this budget include all elements of the project?
- Has the applicant identified how the grant will be spent?
Success Evaluation:
- Has the applicant identified how the success of the project, activity, or service will be evaluated?
- For example, will any information be collected on the number of people benefitting from the initiative?
Project Benefit:
- Has the applicant identified who the project, activity or service will benefit and where in the Taupō District, these people reside?
Community Support:
- Has the applicant provided evidence of community support, collaboration or involvement in the project, activity, or service e.g., volunteer hours or donated goods/services?
- Has the applicant provided evidence of support from the recognised regional or national body (where relevant)?